An Introvert’s Guide for Dropping by Unannounced


Bits of Calm

Currently listening to an album of chilled-out versions of some songs popular in the 70s and 80s—though it’s kinda funny when the original was already a chill song, like Tubular Bells lol

…or Mammagamma. Just how in the world did I miss that one back in the day?! It would have been right up my alley.

I’m listening to the Underworld Remix, but it’s very similar to the original. Perfect driving tune.

Regardless, it’s good that music is back in my life…without the need to blast it at ear-splitting levels while trying to drown out my thoughts (which never works, btw).

For our last anniversary, my husband got me one album for every year we’ve been married. I might get to listen to all the songs before my 90th bday.

Did I mention that the type of music I like lends itself to compilations of multiple cds? One of them has six.
Yeah, his love is so strong, he counted that as one. *sigh* l’amour

He did awesome, too. I’ve only been able to get through three individual cds because I keep hitting repeat on most of the songs. =)

Things have felt calm lately (at least if we don’t think about political news), even though stuff is actually happening. Our grass is dying an unnatural death in anticipation of bringing some of the “greener on the other side” our way, and the cat will have more surgery this week.

But at the moment, fortified with Barnie’s Santa’s White Christmas brew, life is good. Right kitty?