Rollin’ Rollin’

I’m back on Chapter 4 of my novel now, after refixing Chapter 2 to smooth what I’d changed in Chapter 1 during the bootcamp. I smoothed and reworked a bit of Chapter 3, too. Just have to read it all when we’re not so tired, and it’ll be signed off.

But now, the Epcot Food & Wine Festival begins, family is coming to town this weekend, and all the tv shows we watch come back from hiatus. We’ll see how good I get at staying on task while keeping up with Person of Interest, Castle, Amazing Race and Top Chef (when that starts).

In the meantime, enjoy a new paragraph I added to Chapter 1:

     Technically, I wore a costume, too. Like a spy’s tuxedo, my generic blue shorts and shirt concealed the fact that I could leaf through filing cabinets with the flick of a wrist, answer the phone while dealing with a hangnail, and pour coffee to placate the meanest boss. All with a perky smile. After a full day as a mild-mannered office drone, I spent my nights and weekends dispensing justice in the form of counseling treatment plans to addicted delinquents. Fear my super powers, slackers.

Imagerymajestic /

Book Covers 37

Under a Texas StarDelilah's FlameAddie and the GunslingerLove Me WIth Fury

The Silverton ScandalHis Impetuous DebutanteHow to Determine a Good OneLove Me

(Images are from Amazon and owners retain all rights.)

Political Cloud

The restaurant we went to tonight had a TV behind the sushi bar. Almost every time I glanced at the screen, another political ad was on. So cannot wait for this run up to the election to be over.

When we got home, we found politically-related entries on John Scalzi and Wil Wheaton‘s blogs that clearly show the ludicrous nature of our political world.

Scalzi? Against political ads on Youtube? Accused of taping bacon to cats? *Gasp Shock Awe*

Wheaton? Wears crappy sweaters? Thinks Scalzi is wrong, wrong WRONG???

Now that’s a scandal I care about! 😀

Book Covers 36

At this moment, this book is the #1 bestseller of all Amazon Kindle ebooks:

Not entirely due to its cover, I think. 🙂

(Images are from Amazon and owners retain all rights.)

Happy Birthday!!

To the best brother in the whole world:

Happy Birthday, Patrick!!

Book Covers 35

Beg for Mercy Everlasting Embrace How to Build the Perfect Rake

Pulled  The Preacher's Son Unbound

Reluctant Alpha  Surfacing

Accidentally married to a vampire Bait Blood Desires

(Images are from Amazon and owners retain all rights.)

Book Covers 34

Reunion Modern Day Vampires Vampire 101 Betrayed

Asking For It Loving Again Love by Chance

Letter of Love Flame The Rake Revealed

Coming Home Lost n Found Moving On

(Images are from Amazon and owners retain all rights.)

Authors’ Warning to Those Who Self-Publish

Anya Bast is a NYT bestselling author of erotic and paranormal romances. While searching through book covers on Amazon, I came across this blog post and decided to share it since I have many friends published on the Kindle.

Amazon has bots searching the web to ensure it isn’t publishing plagiarized books. It found a copy of one of her novellas online and demanded proof that she wasn’t the pirate. Since she was out of town at the time, she missed the window of opportunity and her KDP account was terminated.

Fortunately, she was able to get the situation resolved, but not without a lot of hassle on her part.

Author Mysti Parker suggests setting up Google Alerts so you’ll know when your book title is mentioned online. Because of this, she discovered a site that facilitates illegal ebook sharing and had this to say about it:

Book sharing sites like Perusing the Shelves  may not be selling pirated copies, but by allowing others to share unlimited e-copies of any author’s work, without the express consent of said author, are perpetrating the illegal trade of copyrighted work. I’m sure there are authors there who regularly interact with the members there, but I am not one of those, and to see a request for my book pop up there is surprising and annoying, considering how easy it is to contact me online.”

Seems to me that simply writing a book and marketing it is hassle enough without having to worry about pirates…

Book Covers 33

Precious PollyTexas OutlawThe Beauty BrideTo Seduce a Scoundrel

Dark HaloForgotten SoulsGenesisThe Gifts

The Winds of the HeavensCircle CityHis Valiant MateValhalla Hott

(Images are from Amazon and owners retain all rights.)

8 Years’ll Give You Such A Crick In The Neck

On this night in 2004, I started a short story and wrote the most that I had in far too long.

From the ecstasy of creating, to the agony of editing…

The story is good. It really is. But the words keep getting in the way, and I don’t know how to fix them.

My novel and I have endured a forced separation for a while now, so there’s nothing else to report.