Meme 33 Questions

I found this meme on one of the blogs I follow and thought it looked like fun. Feel free to use it on your own blog (and post a link in the comments if you do!).

You in 33 Questions

1. Your main trait: Analytical (and per my husband: kindness)
2. The quality you like best in a man: Honesty and compassion
3. The quality you like best in a woman: A good sense of humor
4. Your main flaw: Stubbornness
5. Last time you cried: Really cried…5 years ago when Mom passed away–otherwise today (mouth hurts, and I didn’t know how hungry I really was–life is overwhelming in those moments)
6. Ideal job: Writer
7. Scent of a place: Tropical ocean
8. Beloved movie: The Princess Bride
9. Book on the nightstand: Currently not reading (just finished a book I didn’t really like and am supposed to be editing my own story)
10. First and best kiss: My husband (the first isn’t worth mentioning because he kissed like a cold fish)
11. You couldn’t do without: My family
12. How you would like to die: Painlessly and surrounded by loved ones
13. Song you sing in the shower: I usually have a mental talk show going on
14. Your deadly sin: Sugar
15. Your not-so-deadly sin: Procrastination
16. Your motto: Just smile and nod and don’t ask any questions
17. Ideal first date: Dinner and a leisurely walk around a lake/park with good conversation
18. Favorite present: Anything my husband gets me–it’s usually stuff I would never buy for myself and didn’t know I wanted 🙂
19. What you do on the train: Stare out the window–last train trip was the Acela Express in 2005, though
20. Something you’d change in your body: Fat would store as lean muscle 😉
21. Your addiction: Downloading free Kindle books
22. Now on your left: Cup of tea, unopened Amazon box, clipboard of scratch paper, pen and headphones (on the floor: Amazon box, artfully displaying my sleeping cat)
23. Now on your right: On the other side of my mouse, a cup of water (yes, I’m drinking the tea and the water)
24. Now in front of you: My computer, my Kindle (organizing latest downloads into collections), my m-i-l’s computer
25. Now behind you: A large window (and, I’m told, the outside world–whatever that is)
26. 3 names for (of) your children: Tiger, Sunshine, Raiyna 😀
27. 3 things in your purse: Purell, small notepad,16 pens…I’m prepared to host a random game of scattergories (:firm nod:)
28. 3 places that fascinate you: Europe, worlds of my own making, my local science center
29. 3 people you’d like to meet: Kaye Dacus, a couple of friends I only know online, the person who can make coffee taste as good as it smells
30. 3 traits that annoy you in others: Dishonesty, arrogance, constant negativity
31. 3 values inherited from your parents: An example of true love, high morals, the ability to not give up
32. In your past life you were: A gleam in my daddy’s eye
33. In your future life you’ll be: A gleam before my Father’s eye

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